Triple power from Sweden
PUMA Track and Field athletes Thobias Montler, Gabriel Wallmark & Maja Nilsson visit PUMA HQ
June 8, 2022PUMA Track and Field athletes Thobias Montler, Gabriel Wallmark & Maja Nilsson visit PUMA HQ
June 8, 2022Visit from Sweden! Thobias Montler and his teammates Gabriel Wallmark and Maja Nilsson, all strong performing PUMA Track and Field athletes, visited the PUMA headquarter together with their trainer and former PUMA athlete Yannick Tregaro. The training team has made Gothenburg, Sweden, their new hometown to be close to each other. We talked to each of them about their sports, their goals in life and their biggest learnings so far.
Interview with Thobias Montler, PUMA athlete Long Jump
How is it to be part of the PUMA family?
I just signed in January, but I can really tell that it’s family already. I’ve been so welcomed and it feels really great.
Do you always wanted to be a professional sportsman?
Always. Even when I was very young, I have always seen myself as an athlete. I started with doing every discipline: running, jumping, throwing, everything. But as I got older, I got more and more into long jump. I like to win and when you are a little bit better than the others, you get more motivated.
Can you recall when you first felt really successful?
I think it started, when I could see a progress while catching up to the former long jumper in Sweden, Michel Torneus. When I could see that progress, I wanted to beat him. That was the moment when I felt, that I’m a long jumper. My biggest achievement so far is winning the silver medal in the World Championships Indoor.
Please describe your coach in three words?
Passion, motivation, mindset.
What is your next goal?
Now it’s full focus on the outdoor season with the World Championships Outdoors in July and also the European Championship Outdoors in August.
What was your biggest learning from a mistake of yours?
Never wear shorts, which are not tight on the body, when you jump. They may stretch in the sand – I have lost a medal on that one. In the last round of my first European Championships Outdoors I made a good jump, but the shorts somehow touched the sand and I lost the medal.
Do you have a certain routine after your a competition day?
Usually I eat pizza. That’s the routine.
Who do you contact after a major win?
Family and then friends. After that I take up the phone and try to respond to all comments. But always: family first.
Gabriel Wallmark
Maja Nilsson
Interview with Gabriel Wallmark, PUMA athlete Triple Jump
When did you realize Triple Jump is your discipline?
I’ve always been a fan of high jump, long jump but also other disciplines. I would say closer to the ages of 15, 16 the interest of Triple Jump took over and I really started to focus more on it. Last outdoor season it really just opened up for me, that this is my event, this is what I’m going for.
Can you recall a when you first felt really successful?
At first it was at the U-20 European Championships, when everything loosened up. The physical problems I had some years ago were gone. I felt so great during the buildup process and became stronger. It showed on the competition I had a good training. From that point on I felt that this is the beginning of something.
Please describe your coach in three words?
Energetic, motivated and very truthful.
What is your next and your ultimate goal?
I mean the ultimate goal is always to become the best and to break the World Record. But my next goal is to qualify for the Championships Outdoors, but also compete during the European Championships. The next meter goal is 17m.
What was your biggest learning from a mistake of yours?
The biggest one was pushing myself, when I already knew I could risk an injury. That’s something I’ve learned a lot from all these years back from when I was 15 to 19. I had a lot of struggles with injuries and I just kept on as soon as it felt better, I just pushed myself too much and basically injured myself again. It was a very important learning to take a step back.
Who do you contact after a major win?
Friends, family and everyone in my contacts, but I also try to enjoy the moment.
Interview with Maja Nilsson, PUMA athlete High Jump
How is it to be part of the PUMA family?
It’s really exciting. It feels like PUMA is taking over track and field and it’s so nice to be part of this.
Do you always wanted to be a high jumper?
Since I started with track and field, when I was about ten years old, I always knew high jump was my event. When I was about 15 years old I wanted to be a professional athlete, because it was about that time I realized I was pretty good at it.
Whats your best height?
Can you recall a key moment, when you first felt really successful?
When I qualified for the European Youth Olympic Festival – I was 15 years old and jumped 1,77. But the biggest moment in my career so far was qualifying for the Olympics.
Please describe your coach in three words?
Passion, excitement and inspirational.
Do you have a certain routine after your a competition day?
I always like to treat myself with something nice like some Swedish fika, which is like a cinnamon bun, if it was a successful competition. Otherwise, I don’t do anything specifically.
Who do you contact after a major win?
Alyways my mum and afterwards my uncle.
It was a pleasure meeting these young PUMA athletes full of potential with their supporting coach. Let’s see how high and far they will jump in the future. Keep on jumping!