January 18, 2023High five PUMA Family! 🎉 We are proud to announce that we ranked as a Top Employer 2023 in 22 PUMA locations around the globe. On top of that, we received our first awards in North America & Latin America, which ultimately makes us a Top Employer in all four regions, including Europe and Asia Pacific. With this, we can call ourselves Global Top Employer for the first time ever. It’s all thanks to you who make PUMA such an inspiring place to work every single day.
Learn more about the awards and what exactly it takes to be successful in the Top Employer Audit. In addition, a few of our PUMAs have their say – what makes us so special as an employer? Check out the video below!
“CATch Up” asked Stefanie Decker, Head of People and Organisation Corporate, and Petra Hofmann, Senior Manager People Projects, some questions about what it exactly means to be awarded Global Top Employer.
What does Global Top Employer mean for PUMA as an employer?
Essentially, the award is all about what P&O do for our employees. This is determined by an audit, rather than a survey, and is a neutral way to collect information on what makes a company a top employer, what procedures and strategies a top employer should have and we as a company are compared against these factors.
It is about credibility, but it is also important for us to receive feedback. While we believe we are good at certain things as a company, our views are reinforced by such audits, surveys or ratings. Neutral or third party feedback on how great our company is to work at, it really underlines the work we do. It shows that what we see and believe internally, is also seen by employees and in the case of Top Employer, external auditors.
Does the audit also ask about things such as our well-being weeks?
As an example, yes. There are different categories and they are sometimes very specific. They can be about on-boarding and off-boarding and things like this, but also about well-being and sustainability – it is really about everything. The questions are diverse and detailed: they are always set up so there are three answer options. You can say whether you do something consistently, if you do something partially, or if you do not do something at all.
It is really about every aspect of P&O: from talent management, to performance management, learning and development (what is offered), well-being, our general P&O strategy and so on. In the categories, including the subcategories, they also always link our general P&O strategy or learning development strategy to the corporate strategy. This shows our brand values are connected to our employer values and emphasises that P&O is not a separate department from everything else, but rather also part of brand strategy and part of the success.
What are your goals for next year?
Next year, we want to receive the award again. Whether we will expand to include more countries, we will see. Some other subsidiaries have expressed their interest in also becoming certified and have asked how the process works and how they can prepare.
This year alone was a fantastic achievement. We would like to achieve the award a second time to really show that we are a global top employer, in all regions. It is a continuous effort. This awards benchmark it is great to see in which categories we need to improve. When we view things only from a PUMA standpoint, we might think we are good and not realise the areas we need improve on and become even better in.
“We are very grateful to be recognized as a Top Employer in 22 countries, four regions and also globally for the first time. We offer an inclusive and attractive workplace and aim to constantly improve to give our people what they need to thrive in their careers.”
Dietmar Knoess, Global Director of People and Organization at PUMA.
The PUMA HQ canteen was already celebrating yesterday and local specialties of the awarded countries were available for our PUMAs to choose from. Check out our Top Employer cookies! 🍪