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SHE MOVES US: A talk with racing driver and PUMA ambassador Naomi Schiff

May 9, 2022

SHE MOVES US: A talk with racing driver and PUMA ambassador Naomi Schiff

May 9, 2022

Racing Driver, Presenter and Stunt Driver Naomi Schiff frankly spoke about the sacrifices and challenges of being a female professional racing driver in this “She Moves Us” video conversation. Take a look!


Naomi is committed to improve equality in Motorsport and to empower girls and young women to embarke into a career in car racing: “My first race, I didn’t actually want to participate in the race. I found the whole thing quite intimidating because no one around me looked like what I look like. My dad threw me into the deep end and said, “We’re just going to do it”. So I was actualy really nervous and I wasn’t looking forward to it, but I really enjoyed myself. I came out with a big smile on my face and never looked back.


”I’ve had a lot of experiences in this short lifetime of mine. And the most important thing is to have your own back, because you’re going to face so many hurdles along the way. More than our male counterparts. So, you’ve got to believe in yourself. And if you don’t believe in yourself, other people won’t. So, back yourself 100%.” – Naomi Schiff

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