
Baby got back (pain) – simple swaps to keep your spine supple & strong

June 7, 2018

Baby got back (pain) – simple swaps to keep your spine supple & strong

June 7, 2018

Back health is a classic health & fitness topic and it just never gets old – for a reason! The spinal column is the literal backbone of our health, so it is vital that we treat it with care. A few daily preventive steps can go a long way towards keeping the core of our central nervous system supple and strong.

Here are some quick and easy tips to help you look after your biggest support system:

Rejuvenate your posture

Good posture is essential and proper alignment will go a long way towards reducing spinal stress. Proper posture can also lead to deeper breathing, improved well-being and increased energy. Throughout the day try doing a few quick body scans to check that you aren’t putting unnecessary strain on your spine by slumping.

Target exercises to improve strength and flexibility

Exercise is a great therapeutic tool. Neck stretches such as bending your head gently from side-to-side and circular ear-to-shoulder exercises can do wonders for your cervical spine.

Get your downward dog on! This move can help to open the chest, and stretch out your whole spinal column while alleviating pressure. Yoga in general is a great option to strengthen your core and improve flexibility. Aerobic sports such as swimming can also be superb spinal conditioners reducing undue pressure on your delicate spine.

Watch what you eat

Your diet can have a surprisingly large impact on your spinal health. Be careful with processed foods, instead opting for whole foods, lean proteins and healthy fats as well as a ton of fresh fruit and veggies.

High in vitamins and nutrients such as calcium and Omega-3’s they help to boost spinal health, prevent issues such as osteoporosis and decrease pain in spinal nerves.

A healthy diet will also help you to maintain appropriate body weight and build the right muscles to properly support your spine. This will reduce stress on your spine and keep the back pain to a minimum.

Show your spine some love and take care of it. After all, it’s got your back for the rest of your life.

Image by iStock

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