I come from São Paulo and worked at PUMA Brasil for five years before coming to Germany.
What do you like about the relocation experience?
From the moment I applied for the job until I came here, it was a great adventure. It gave me a better understanding of my own goals, my weaknesses, but most of all my strengths. On the day I left, a fellow traveller told me that moving to an unknown country will make me much stronger. And day by day I see that this makes perfect sense. Moving opens your mind to so many things: culture, people, habits, language. As a communication professional, that’s what I enjoy most about this experience.
Did you struggle in the beginning?
I just spent a month here and I can say that I still do. Some days it’s harder, you literally feel lost. It can feel like you have to learn everything from scratch. But with calm and patience, I know things will work out. Again, through all these struggles, you learn a lot about yourself and become more resilient to everything in life.
Why did you choose to relocate?
The most interesting people I have ever met are those who have good stories and experiences to tell. One thing they all have in common is the diversity of cultures in their background. For me, the best way to achieve this is to get out of your comfort zone, go into a completely new environment and learn from as many people as possible. That’s what motivates me every day, the opportunity to inspire other people like those who once inspired me.
What’s the weirdest thing about living in this new culture?
Well, as a Brazilian-Italian, the way we communicate with emotions is definitely very different from here. Sometimes I think someone was rude or that I said something wrong, but in the end it wasn’t like that.
Did you know the language when you relocated and how hard was it to adjust?
Unfortunately not. German is one of the things I struggle with. For me, the worst thing is not being able to communicate in certain situations because of the language. Once I’m better adjusted, I really want to make an effort to learn it.
What would you tell other people who are thinking about a relocation?
Willingness is energy! If you really want something, think every day about how you can achieve it and put that energy into everything you do. It won’t be easy, but don’t give up. It has been by far the most challenging and rewarding experience in my life. And don’t be afraid to face the fear that will eventually come, because many people don’t live their dreams because of it.
What’s your favorite thing about the new culture/country you are living in?
In any case, safety and the careful treatment of the environment. In my opinion, these two factors are crucial for quality of life. To live well, you have to feel safe, do the right thing and be socially responsible with the collective you live in.